November 15, 2022

Anonymous voting on financial documents and resolutions (BlockChain/Digital Notary)

The BFT platform is an unprecedented tool on the market for initiating and conducting votes with anonymity and credibility. It allows you to conduct voting online (stationary or remote).

The voting process is initiated by the administrator. It prepares documents (e.g. laws, regulations, resolutions, etc.) to be voted on.                                                                                            

Each person taking part in the voting process has access to the content of the documents on which this process is to take place (e.g. in pdf format).

The administrator configures the entire process on the platform, initiates voting on a specific document – marks the appropriate signatories of the process, sets the level of access to the file (e.g. public), selects the type of voting and the Blockchain network. It can also choose the option “separate Blockchain accounts for each token” – when selecting this option, full anonymity of voters is preserved. After setting up the voting process, the administrator provides the voting participants with NFT tokens. Each voter receives as many tokens as correspond to the number of votes they are entitled to.

The administrator has access to the details of the voting process at any time. It can, supplement data on Blockchain accounts, generate and fund missing accounts with enough funds to be able to effectively carry out the voting process. If one of the voters does not have two Blockchain accounts added (while maintaining anonymity), he has, for example, only one, then in this case a new account will be generated, created and credited with the right amount of funds to be able to  cast your vote. If, after the process of one vote, we want to move on to the next vote and the administrator initiates this process – there is no need to create new accounts and add more funds to them, if there are funds from the previous vote left on them, and they are sufficient to carry out another one.                                                                                                       

When the accounts are credited with the right amount of funds so that we can effectively conduct voting, the data about blockchain accounts will be replenished, we can use two ways to generate NFT tokens.  The first way – using data in the BFT service (accounts that have the appropriate funds), the second way – using the MetaMask platform.                                                                                                                                                                                      

When the transaction is confirmed and the NFT tokens are generated, information about the voting details appears on the voters’ accounts, i.e. the subject of voting, the number of available tokens (votes). Each of the voters casts their votes according to their will – they transfer tokens.   



The administrator receives information on his account regarding the voting process, i.e. how many votes were cast in this process, how many votes were “for” and how many were “against”. Has access to a link to the website, where all information regarding the process in question, transactions in the Blockchain network, i.e. the address of the smart contract on the basis of which the transaction took place, NFT tokens, numbers, token identifiers were generated.    

The platform allows you to check the details of the process, i.e. description of the token, confirmation of the anonymity of the process, confirmation that each token (voice) has been sent to a separate blockchain network account. We receive information about the number of the account to which the votes “for” were sent and information about the account number to which the votes “against” were sent.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

After the vote, voters can download the documents that were the subject of the vote, and the administrator can initiate another voting process on the next document.